
8 Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Carpet Cleaned in 2022

When your guest visits your home for lunch or dinner, the first thing they notice is the condition of the carpet. Your carpet will get dirty, whether you have children and pets in the house or not. Numerous factors destroy your carpets such as dust, mildew, and sunlight. Therefore, you need to keep your carpet cleaned every day.

A home vacuum cleaner can help, but it only removes dirt and mites from the surface. For deep cleaning, you need to consult professional rug cleaning services in your neighborhood. For instance, NYCleaners have a group of experts with extensive years of experience in rug cleaning. They are highly skilled in rug cleaning and know a wide range of deep cleaning techniques.

Regular carpet cleaning is also helpful to steer clear of harmful contaminants such as dirt and mites that build up in the rug. You can make your home a healthy, clean, and happy place to live by deep cleaning rugs.

Dirty rugs in offices due to high foot traffic and constant dirt accumulation cause health issues to your employees. You can provide your workers healthy and clean environment and improve indoor air quality through vacuum cleaning. A study suggests that dirty carpets decrease indoor air quality that resulting in adverse health conditions in employees, reducing productivity. In this post, you will learn reasons to keep your carpet cleaned in 2022

Reasons to Keep Your Carpet Cleaned

Here are some reasons that suggest that you should keep your rugs cleaned throughout the year:

1. Improve Rug Longevity

Oriental rugs are a great investment and include cultural and historical values. If you are a carpet enthusiast and don’t want to spend hard-earned money in purchasing another expensive rug, then you should vacuum clean them. Cleaning the carpet can enhance your carpet life. However, with advanced extraction techniques, your carpets look as good as new.

2. Protect Indoor Air Quality

If you haven’t cleaned your carpets for a long time, they will include airborne pollutants and contaminants. Carpets work as a filter and clean contaminants from the air. When the fibers are filled with dust and mites, the air quality will drastically decrease. As a result, it leads to numerous allergic conditions such as exacerbating asthma.

3. Maintain the Shape

Most carpet accumulates dry soils, especially in the area near beaches. Excessive soiling damages the fibers affecting the carpet’s structure. This usually happens when you don’t clean the rugs regularly. Therefore, it is important to take some time every day and vacuum the soil and dirt from the rugs’ surface. For hard stains and deep dirt build-ups, you should rely on professionals.

4. Eliminate Spots & Stains

If you don’t clean the spots and stains instantly, your rug will deeply absorb them. This results in stubborn stains, which cannot be cleaned with normal cleaning and require a professional’s help. Therefore, before things get out of your hand, you should cover the spot with a dry cloth and remove liquid or other stains from the surface. For advanced cleaning, a professional rug cleaning service such as NYCleaners will use advanced products and equipment to remove tough stains. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if your guests points out the stain. So, keep your carpet cleaned and save yourself from awkward situations.

5. Upgrade the Appearance of Your Home

Besides health problems, a dirty carpet negatively affects the beauty of your home. It gives your room a messy look. On the other hand, if you clean your rug every day, it will improve the aesthetics and beauty of your home. A clean environment gives a feeling of comfort and cleanliness. Also, a clean rug will make a good impression in front of your guests.

6. Improve Workers Morale If You’re a Business

Clean carpets improve air quality in the workplace, which eventually boosts your employees’ morale and productivity. Fewer pollutants mean healthy employees. When your employees work in a fresh environment with healthy air, they won’t get sick. As a result, you will notice more attendance than before.

7. Get Rid of Dust Mites and Bedbugs

Carpet grounds are a perfect breeding place for bedbugs and dust mites. They can easily hide inside the fibers. But, with regular vacuum cleaning, you can prevent them from getting deep inside. Although the vacuum isn’t suitable for deep cleaning, it removes contaminants from the surface before they get deep inside.

8. Obstruct the Growth of Mould & Bacteria

Mould and bacteria in the air cling to the carpet fiber and cause various skin infections. Furthermore, these contaminants can cause a pungent smell. Cleaning rugs every day with a vacuum prevent the growth of bacteria and mold on the rugs.

How Professional Carpet Cleaning Services Can Help?

When the dirt and molds reach between the fibers, cleaning with the vacuum won’t help. Vacuum cleaning only removes dirt and other contaminants from the surface. For deep cleaning, you need to consult a professional rug cleaning service in NYC. NYCleaners has a professional team equipped with advanced tools and products. They have the skills to eliminate contaminants from the fibers. Here are some benefits of professionally cleaning your Oriental rugs:

Restore your Carpets Original Appearance

Professional carpet cleaners will bring back the original beauty of the rug. They will inspect your rug quality and identify the right technique for the restoration process.

Eliminate Carpet Stains

Expert rug cleaning services use hot water extraction techniques for stubborn stains. Once they completely clean the rug, you won’t be able to pinpoint the exact location of the stain.

Extensive Knowledge About Different Rug Types

Rug cleaning professionals have years of experience with different fabric and rug types. Furthermore, they will suggest optimal techniques to clean your rugs at home. Oriental rugs are delicate and require careful inspection. Many products are harmful to various types of rugs. Therefore, you should know about using any products on the rugs. A professional rug cleaning technician has years of experience. They know which product will damage the rug.

Keep Tiny Little Crawlers Away

Rugs are giant floor filters and trap dust, dirt, and allergens between the fibers. Furthermore, they also trap insects that cause an allergic reaction.

Improve Odor

When you receive back your carpet from rug cleaning services after deep cleaning, it will smell good and fresh.

Improve Health Quality

There is a significant difference between regular vacuuming and deep cleaning. Dirt and other contaminants don’t leave the carpet if they are stuck between fibers. This can cause health issues such as asthma and other respiratory disorders. Furthermore, when you leave your baby on the carpet, they might get an allergic reaction on the skin. Therefore, it is highly important to get your rug professionally cleaned twice a year. Experts use powerful tools and cleaning agent that enters inside the rug and eliminate harmful contaminants that pollute the air.

Prevent the Spread of Allergens/Bacteria

Regular carpet cleaning can remove bacteria and allergens from the surface. But it creates perfect breeding grounds for these organisms. So, visit a professional rug cleaning service right now and get your rug professionally cleaned.

When You Should Take Your Rug to a Professional

Many factors suggest when you need a professional to keep your carpet clean. Below we will explain the right time to take your rug to a professional:

  • Rug color significantly fades.
  • Increase in foot traffic in your home
  • Increase in the number of people in the house
  • After a water damage or leak
  • When you notice pet dander and hair on the rug
  • Tough stains and spots on the rug
  • Growth of mildew and mold on the rug due to moisture

When you notice any of the above factors, this is the right time you need professional cleaning. However, you should vacuum the rug every day to remove dirt and other contaminants from the surface.


Regular rug cleaning is highly important if you have high foot traffic in the house. However, vacuum cleaning doesn’t remove harmful contaminants from deep fibers. You need a professional team for deep cleaning and keeping the rugs clean from bacteria and allergens. Hopefully, now you understand why it is important to keep your rug cleaned in 2022.

Do you live in New York City and want to connect with a professional rug cleaning team with extensive years of experience? If yes, then you should get in touch with NYCleaners. NYCleaners have experts in their team who will bring new life to your rug. For furthermore information, visit our website and give us a call.